what are three words a friend would use to describe you

Past Mike Simpson

Imagine this: you're sitting in an interview for your dream job.

Everything seems to be going beautifully. You're knocking every question out of the ballpark and the hiring manager is genuinely laughing at all your jokes. You're confident you've got the job in the bag. You lot tin tell the interview is wrapping up and you're already figuring out what thoughtful bit of insight you're going to include in your follow up give thanks you lot note that will make the hiring manager smile and bring you in for circular two.

But then, they enquire you lot one concluding question. "How would you describe yourself?"

Of a sudden all that certainty dissolves in a puff of confusion and fright and the simply words you lot tin think of are "screwed" and "mazed," with a nuance of "perpetually unemployed" thrown in only to really mess with your psyche.

Simply await!

Before you slink off defeated with your tail between your legs, prepare for an countless bicycle of help wanted ads and thwarting, we're here to tell you that answering the question 'describe yourself' isn't the end of the globe. All it takes is a bit of prep work before you get to the interview.

Let's first by showtime breaking downward exactly why hiring managers ask this question.

Only first, we wanted to let you know that there are over 100 other difficult interview questions you could exist asked in your job interview. Sounds stressful right?

Don't worry, because we created a free PDF that outlines the near common questions and gives you word for word sample answers that you can use at your next interview. Click the link below to go your copy at present!

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Why Is This Question Asked?

In many ways, for the same reason they inquire the question "Tell me well-nigh yourself."

No, it's non to make you uncomfortable, and it's certainly not an opportunity for you to sit down back and treat them similar a therapy session and go into deep detail about how your early babyhood turned y'all into the person y'all are today.

Interviewers ask this question because they are looking for two key pieces of information; they desire to honestly know how you perceive yourself and exactly how well y'all'll fit into the company if y'all're hired.

How To Answer "How Would You lot Describe Yourself"

Going back to our earlier comparison to the question "Tell me most yourself," it might feel every bit though you should exist able to answer both questions with a somewhat similar answer, but be warned…that'southward non really the case! While at that place is some overlap, they require you to focus on different things in your answers.

When you reply "Tell me almost yourself," you're highlighting the key professional person strengths and skills that y'all have that bring value to the company…what you tin do. Those answers are typically longer and include physical prove and examples of you applying those skills to by experiences.

When you answer "How would you describe yourself," you're telling the hiring managing director about your qualities (also chosen characteristics) and how they meshes with the skills yous bring by using focused and tailored adjectiveswhy you lot practice what y'all exercise. These are shorter answers that really don't warrant additional follow up unless specifically requested by the hiring manager.


Hmm, maybe a little word game will bring information technology all into focus and testify you how to describe yourself.

First past get-go really taking a expert hard look at yourself and thinking of a list of adjectives or words yous would use to describe yourself. Retrieve, we're looking for qualities and characteristics. Keep information technology unproblematic…really unproblematic.

Can yous describe yourself in three words? What are you?

How To Describe Yourself Examples

  • I am reliable.
  • I am driven.
  • I am flexible.

Allow's go even more simple. Tin can you describe yourself in i discussion?

  • Passionate.
  • Curious.
  • Driven.

Now ask your friends and family the aforementioned question. Using just a few words, have them draw your best qualities and/or characteristics.

  • They run across y'all equally thorough.
  • They see you as organized.
  • They run into you as reliable.
  • They see you every bit responsible.

One time yous accept those two lists, go back to the chore you're applying for and really read information technology once again. Try to observe 2 or three words that best depict that position.

What qualities or characteristics would an applicant demand in order to exist considered the Perfect Candidate?

Now go through and see how you can exemplify these qualities and characteristics.

Finally, make up one's mind exactly how all those things relate specifically to the position you lot're applying to.

Once you take all that information, y'all should be able to answer the question easily. Kickoff with your quality/feature from the list of words to depict yourself and then end off with a specific, tailored case. Keep your answer curt and sweetness. (Again, this isn't your life story.)

Now before we get into how to properly answer this disruptive question, let's hit on the ways Non to answer it.

five Mistakes to Avoid When Answering This Interview Question

  ane. While we do want a long list of adjectives that properly describe the qualities and characteristics y'all bring to the position, an interviewer doesn't simply desire y'all to but fire off a random string of adjectives as though this were a grown-up version of "fill in the blanks" or "Hiring Manager Mad Libs."

Make sure you list a quality or characteristic adjective, then back it upward with a tailored answer that exactly demonstrates how that describing word makes y'all invaluable to your potential employer.

  2. Speaking of adjectives, let'south not venture likewise far off the "I'd love to have a task when this interview is over" path and make sure your adjectives really relate to the job yous're applying to. Save adjectives like "dashing," "devastatingly handsome," "hilarious" and "suave" for your online dating profile.

  three. You as well want to make certain that the words you lot're using are words you'd actually apply about yourself. While information technology might sound adept to use words like "intelligent," "visionary" and "talented," those are words that can rankle a recruiter because rather than beingness reflective, they tin can come off every bit cocky and sound as though you're bragging.

  4. Keep in heed that other ruddy flag words and adjectives to describe yourself that yous desire to avoid include "obsessive (scary)", "goal-oriented (generic)" and "likeable (nobody is 100% likeable and the more than yous say that, the more people aren't going to like yous).

  five. Finally… dorsum it up! You can't merely list off a string of adjectives that depict yourself without having concrete examples of you demonstrating that quality. Use examples from your past that prove that you are that person (beyond a shadow of a doubt).

Describing Yourself: 4 Different Example Answers

Now let's circle dorsum to how you should respond this question, starting with a quick wham-bam walkthrough but to warm you upwardly.

Nosotros'll first by pretending you're interviewing for a job as an associates line worker for a processed visitor and that the job description states your responsibility will be to quickly fill different sized custom candy boxes with chocolates (sound familiar?).

By reading the task description, you lot know that the position is high-speed and that you'll be required to quickly assess each candy box equally it comes towards you lot to figure out exactly how to fill it. Odds are that company wants an employee who tin adapt quickly to a wide variety of different scenarios.

Now allow's go through your list of qualities and characteristics and see if there'southward one that would apply to this job clarification.

"I'k flexible."

Very good. There's your perfect quality/characteristic. At present let's focus on your targeted case.

"I'one thousand comfy adjusting to any state of affairs and don't become flustered easily when faced with unexpected challenges. I proved this during my tenure at Hershey's when we had a power outage on Christmas delivery 24-hour interval just every last bar of chocolate still left the manufacturing plant."

Boom. Mic driblet. Walk away, you just won the twenty-four hours… With that single discussion and simple sentence, you permit the hiring manager immediately know that you lot're the right person for the task.

Fun, right? Let's do a few more than!

Nosotros'll start with a brief job clarification, a quick analysis of the desired qualities/characteristics, and so our perfect tailored respond. And don't be worried if you have more than than i describing word that describes a desirable feature. Only don't go overboard.

Ready? Permit's go.

Entry level – Machine Operator
Job description: Construction visitor looking to hire a machine operator. Must exist willing to work long hours and accept a adept work ethic.
Analysis of desired qualities/characteristics: This company needs someone who is going to be reliable and can work hard for extended periods of time.
Tailored reply: "I'm dependable and detail-oriented. I accept my job seriously and once assigned a chore, will see it through to completion. At my final job we lost a worker to injury and did not have the budget to rent a replacement, then I volunteered to pick up the slack, ofttimes working long hours into the night. We didn't miss a beat."

This person is perfect for the job! They're every bit steady as a rock, dedicated to the task they're assigned, and have just let the hiring manager know that they're someone they can rely on.

Management level – Engineering science Project Manager
Job description: Engineering business firm seeking a highly qualified and motivated private with a minimum of 5 years feel coordinating and leading large and diverse teams.
Analysis of desired qualities/characteristics: This visitor desperately needs someone who is fix to tackle a huge pile of responsibilities and wear multiple hats.
Tailored answer: "I'chiliad organized. I really savour working with a wide multifariousness of people to attain a common goal efficiently and realistically. For the concluding v years, I managed a team of seven engineers every bit we worked on four projects simultaneously. Each projection fulfilled its responsibilities alee of schedule."

Nicely said! Yous just let the hiring manger know that you lot're not only comfortable working with groups of individuals, just that you lot know what information technology takes to bring those individuals together.

Executive Level – Medical Managing director
Chore clarification: The Medical Managing director volition provide a full scope of medical services to patients in support of the operations of the health organization.
Analysis of desired qualities/characteristics: This visitor needs someone with an extensive background in this industry and knowledge who is ready to hit the ground running.
Tailored answer: "I'thou experienced and particular-oriented. I've spent the by xv years learning the ins and outs of this industry and know exactly what I demand to do to provide the highest level of medical supervision and overall coordination of all components required for the smooth performance of any medical facility."

Tin you say corner function, visitor car and almanac bonus?!? Wow!

Putting It All Together

Now that nosotros've covered some example answers, become alee and play effectually with your own qualities and characteristics adjectives and encounter how well they chronicle to the chore you're interviewing for.

Retrieve, your goal for any interview is to demonstrate to the hiring manager that y'all're the correct person for the position. By doing a picayune homework earlier yous become to the interview you're as well demonstrating that you're motivated, prepared, and capable…all qualities whatever hiring managing director would appreciate in a candidate.

In a word…you're perfect!

Skillful luck!


P.S. Don't forget nosotros wanted to permit you lot know that there are over 100 other difficult interview questions you could be asked in your chore interview. Sounds stressful right?

Don't worry, because we created a free PDF that outlines the most common questions and gives you word for word sample answers that you can use at your next interview. Click the link beneath to get your copy at present!

FREE: Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Crook Sheet!

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Source: https://theinterviewguys.com/how-would-you-describe-yourself/

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