Danny Back at It Again Ms Marilyn Monroe


"To accept survived, she would have had to exist either more contemptuous or fifty-fifty further from reality than she was. Instead, she was a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes."

The most famous of the Blonde Bombshells.

Marilyn Monroe (June 1, 1926 – Baronial 5, 1962) was born Norma Jeane Mortenson to a mentally unstable mother and a missing begetter, she was placed with foster parents and lived in that location until she was seven. Her female parent was baroque and in one case tried to kidnap her from her foster parents by stuffing her in a bag. A few years later on her female parent bought a house and they lived together, just a few months later on her mother had a mental breakdown (the first of many). She was then moved into foster care every bit a ward of the state and her later guardian Grace McKee was the i who got her into movies. However her guardian got married and she was sent to an orphanage, and so to a string of foster homes (it is unclear how many).

Several families wanted to adopt her just she ended up going back with Grace. Grace's new husband repeatedly attempted to sexually assail her and she was sent to her great-aunt Olive'due south. This didn't last long either considering ane of Olive's sons sexually assaulted her. She was moved to her aunt Ana'southward, who she had a good relationship with, but Ana had health problems and went back to live with Grace. This was likewise short since Grace's husband found a job elsewhere and wanted to move without her, and they concluded up approaching her electric current boyfriend's female parent and then she could get married.

In 1942, at age 16, she married the 21-year-former factory worker James Dougherty, simply with the United states of america entry into Globe War Ii, her married man enlisted with the Merchant Marine in 1943 and was shipped to the Pacific in 1944, so she moved in with his mother.

Norma Jeane was working at Reginald Denny's aviator factory during World War II when someone (manifestly Ronald Reagan's lensman) took a pic of her for a magazine. This small event would eventually lead to her fame as the actress "Marilyn Monroe". Her married man, James, all the same, didn't similar the thought of his wife having a career, so the couple would divorce in 1946.

Earlier then, she took up a successful modeling career later having dyed her brunette hair to blonde. She got some small acting jobs, but zippo large, although she did agree to modify her name, which included taking on her grandmother's surname. At one point she posed nude for photos when she had no other jobs. These photos caused a scandal and nearly ruined her career when it ended up on a calendar, and eventually the get-go effect of Playboy. Marilyn headed off the scandal by admitting she posed, considering she had no other way to pay her bills and by her natural charm and innocence winning everyone over.

Her career took off over a number of films, but she as well suffered from phase fear which eventually led to taking pills and alcohol to relax her.

She was briefly married to Baseball star Joe DiMaggio and afterwards to playwright Arthur Miller. Allegedly, she had an affair with John F. Kennedy. Her singing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" in a slinky dress in 1962 is normally referenced/parodied.

Behavior aside, she was likewise noted to exist far more intelligent than people gave her credit for, and made certain she learned drama (she studied acting at The Thespian'south Studio). The Impaired Blonde persona she had on film was, in fact, acting, and her typecasting equally this tended to frustrate her. She was too a huge buff about the life of Abraham Lincoln.

During her spousal relationship to Arthur Miller, she converted to Judaism, and may have connected her religious observance after the divorce.

She died in 1962 at historic period 36 from an overdose of barbiturates. Her decease was officially classified as a "probable suicide", but it would spark Conspiracy Theories for years to come.

Do Not confuse her with Marilyn Manson, who DID actually take his first proper noun from her. Compare Scarlett Johansson, who is the closest modern-twenty-four hour period analogue to Monroe in terms of looks, popularity, religion and marriage history.

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    Films on TV Tropes:

  • Love Happy (1949)
  • All Nigh Eve (1950)
  • The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
  • Clash by Night (1952)
  • Monkey Business (1952)
  • O. Henry's Full Business firm (1952)
  • Don't Bother to Knock (1952)
  • Niagara (1953)
  • Gentlemen Adopt Blondes (1953)
  • How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)
  • The Seven Year Itch (1955)
  • The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)
  • Some Like It Hot (1959)
  • The Misfits (1961)

    "Tropes Are A Girl'southward Best Friend":

  • '50s Hair: Her short and wavy platinum blonde pilus is emulated by women in parties as a shorthand for old Hollywood glamour.
  • Alliterative Name: Invoked. When she was advised to change her name upon becoming an actor, she chose her mother's maiden proper name of Monroe, and although she wanted to base her offset proper noun on her actual first names, Norma Jeane, 20th Century Trick head of production Ben Lyon suggested "Marilyn Monroe", partly in homage to early 20th century Broadway thespian Marilyn Miller and partly because he felt an alliterative name was more than attention-grabbing. note The name actually took some getting used to; when she was asked for her first autograph, she had to double cheque that information technology was "Marilyn" and non "Marylin".
  • At Least I Admit Information technology: As noted to a higher place, this is how Marilyn headed off the public scandal about posing for nude photos. Rather than come up with a story or deny the claim, she simply said that she had posed for the shoot and explained the reasons behind information technology. The strategy worked, in part because Monroe was and so honest and forthright.
  • Aroused by Their Vox: Marilyn intentionally invoked this in many of her movies, and occasionally mocked at the time equally existence over the pinnacle. Nowadays, when a character speaks in a breathy, low voice, they're mimicking Marilyn whether they know it or not.
  • The Charmer: Equally said aptly by Marilyn herself:

    "These girls who effort to be me, I guess the studios put them up to it, or they go the ideas themselves. But gee, they haven't got it. Yous tin can brand a lot of gags about it similar they haven't got the foreground or else they haven't the background. But I hateful the middle, where yous live."

  • Nighttime and Troubled Past: Very much and then, though information technology's often overlooked in favour of her sex entreatment. Every bit noted above, Marilyn did not have an easy upbringing, filled with instability, mental affliction and sexual abuse.
  • Did They or Didn't They?: It's unknown whether she actually had an affair with John F. Kennedy, and if so, whether or not it tied into her death.
  • Driven to Suicide: Maybe. It'southward unlikely whether we'll ever know.
  • Dumb Blonde: She often played a platinum-blonde Brainless Beauty in films. That being said, the real Marilyn Monroe was very intelligent, particularly for her time, but she did very frequently play on the stereotype as part of her public persona. Information technology is also worth noting that she was a brunette, before she decided to Dye Hard.
  • Dye Hard: When she was still just Norma Jeane, she had curly brown hair. The platinum-blonde, straight hair was an try to stand out as a model, and information technology worked, becoming a mainstay of the Marilyn Monroe persona.
  • Functional Aficionado: It's probable that she was an addict, due to her psychological issues and severe chronic pain from endometriosis, but yet was very accomplished as a model and actor. On the fix of her terminal moving picture—The Misfits—she was seen using a pin to prick prescription drugs so they would work faster.
  • Hair of Golden, Middle of Gold: She was blonde, admitting naturally brunette, and her characters were well-nigh invariably very charming and sweetness-natured.
  • Head-and-Hip Pose: She struck this pose a few times it photographs. She'southward even the current trope image.
  • Hidden Depths: Though Monroe was the near famous bombshell and Dumb Blonde of her era (and possibly of all time), she was also an extremely intelligent, gifted adult female who took her craft seriously enough to attend the legendary Actors' Studio in New York, where she studied with some of the greatest teachers in the industry. She also took her mental health seriously by attending regular therapy sessions, and was perfectly aware of the seedier side of Hollywood using her body and ignoring her brains. She was too very politically active, having been a founding member of the Hollywood brand of SANE (National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy), an early supporter of racial equality in Hollywood and a supporter of unions in the film industry. Many subsequently works about Marilyn focus on this disparity and how she longed to have people see all of her, not just her beauty.
  • Dwelling Nudist: When she wasn't interim, Marilyn preferred to be naked and a casual visitor to Palm Drive would meet her walk naked from her bedroom to bath and to her puddle and cabana. She as well slept nude and remarked that the just matter she wore in bed at night was Chanel No. 5. Or alternately, the simply thing she had on at nighttime was the radio.
  • Sick Daughter: She suffered from severe Endometriosis, a chronic condition that affects the uterus. Her period pains were so severe she was reportedly unable to piece of work when they occured.
  • Insult Backfire: In ane famous story, a female reporter insulted Monroe's choice of dress for a party they were both attending, saying information technology was too low-cut and made her wait trashy. The reporter and so commented that Marilyn would have been better off wearing a irish potato sack...and so Monroe teamed up with Twentieth Century Pull a fast one on to shoot photos of herself in a dress made from one. And as the photos in that link prove, she made it piece of work.
  • Marilyn Maneuver: Trope Namer after her publicity stunt during the filming of The Seven Year Crawling.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Films would often play up her sexiness, from focusing on her hip swaying walk, to putting her in outfits that emphasized her curves. Overlaps with Innocent Fanservice Girl at times.
    • In Gentlemen Adopt Blondes she tries to distract a court trial by doing Sexy Coat Flashing.
    • The Seven Twelvemonth Crawling has a scene where she stands over a grate, and there is a gust of air making her skirt wing up. She revels in it instead of existence embarrassed.
    • In Some Like It Hot she is introduced from the waist downwardly doing her sexy walk.
  • Dainty Girl: She played nice girls in movies, her just villainous role being Niagara and she more often than not played sugariness Innocent Fanservice Girls in films like Some Similar information technology Hot, Allow'due south Brand Love, The Misfits. By all accounts, she was one in real life as well.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Despite her image equally a ditzy bombshell, she was exceptionally intelligent and well-read and played upwards her image as a dumb blonde for films.
  • Odd Friendship: Monroe was good friends with Ella Fitzgerald—granted, that's not that odd in the twenty-starting time century, but in the 1950's (before the Ceremonious Rights Movement), it was a huge deal. Fitzgerald even credited Monroe with leap-starting her career, as the segregation of her era made it impossible for her to play to large audiences. When the owner of the Mocambo, a famous Hollywood nightclub, refused to let Fitzgerald perform, Monroe personally called him and promised that if he booked Ella for a calendar week's appointment, she would accept a forepart tabular array to listen to the vocaliser every night, knowing full well that the press would swarm the place. The owner agreed to the deal, Monroe kept her vow, and Ella, in her own words, "never had to play a small jazz club again."
    • Less "friendship" than "professional person relationship," only when Monroe was studying at the Actors' Studio in New York, she saw a therapist v times a week. That therapist's name? Anna Freud—Sigmund Freud'due south daughter.
  • Paper-thin Disguise: She made it articulate that the "blonde bombshell" she portrayed in film wasn't her truthful personality. In one famous story, a reporter was walking downward the street with Monroe in broad daylight. He remarked that he was dislocated as to the lack of attention—to which Marilyn asked "Do you desire to see her?" She and so adjusted her posture, started walking like she did in her films, and inverse her gestures and song tone. Suddenly, anybody around recognized her and ran over.
  • Pretty in Mink: Wore several furs in both her films and publicity pictures.
    • She wore a white play tricks wrap in How to Marry a Millionaire.
    • In Gentlemen Prefer Blondes she wears a mink coat to a trial, but to flash everyone equally a form of courtroom antics.
    • In publicity pictures for Love Happy, Marilyn wore an ermine bikini. Information technology wasn't shown in the moving-picture show, but certain helped the marketing.
  • Sexy Walk: Her swaying walk was renowned, and frequently given focus in films, such as her introduction in Some Like It Hot. There'south a pretty well-substantiated story that she would sometimes cutting a small piece off the tip of ane of her loftier-heeled shoes to accentuate that sexy wobble.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: In add-on to being the first Playboy Playmate, she was a Habitation Nudist and on a picture show set, she walked around naked among hairdressers, makeup artists and the wardrobe department.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She's mainly known equally a blonde, flirtatious sexual practice symbol, and although those things were true, she'd also survived a lot in society to go to where she was.
  • So Beautiful, It'southward a Expletive: She often lamented how her status as a sex symbol made information technology difficult for her to be taken seriously equally an actress and many fans and admirers have since made a point of emphasizing her natural charisma, comic skills and magnetism over her looks in reappraisals of her career.
  • Stage Name: Born Norma Jeane Mortenson, known as Marilyn Monroe.
  • What Could Have Been: Alfred Hitchcock was interested in casting her as the atomic number 82 in Marnie after Grace Kelly passed, but she was never officially given the role, and her death fabricated information technology impossible. The role ultimately went to Tippi Hedren from The Birds.
  • The Woobie: invoked Eli Wallach, her friend for several years, noted that she had this quality about her in her film roles: "As an actress she has lots of imitators - merely just Marilyn survives. Why? Because people sense something real and helpless from her on that screen; they want to protect this girl and she makes them ashamed for having thought any dirty thoughts about her."

    Portrayals in fiction:

  • Played by Misty Rowe in Goodbye Norma Jean (1976).
  • Played by Theresa Russell in Insignificance (1985).
  • Played past Susan Griffiths in Marilyn & Me (1991). Perhaps Marilyn's most famous regular impersonator.
  • Played by Melody Anderson in Marilyn & Bobby: Her Concluding Affair (1993).
  • Played by both Ashley Judd (as Norma Jean) and Mira Sorvino in Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996).
  • Played by Barbara Niven in The Rat Pack (1998).
  • Played by Poppy Montgomery in Blonde (2001).
  • Played by Sophie Monk in The Mystery of Natalie Wood (2004).
  • Played by Michelle Williams in My Calendar week with Marilyn (2011).
  • Played by Kelli Garner in The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe (2015).
  • Played by Ana de Armas in Blonde (2022).


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/MarilynMonroe

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